La NASA continúa los preparativos para la plataforma de lanzamiento de prueba Artemis I

La NASA continúa los preparativos para la plataforma de lanzamiento de prueba Artemis I

La salida del sol arroja un brillo dorado sobre el sistema de lanzamiento espacial Artemis I (SLS) y la nave espacial Orion en la plataforma de lanzamiento 39B en el Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA en Florida el 23 de marzo de 2022. El SLS y Orion se transportan sobre el lanzador móvil a la placa sobre orugas portador 2. Para una prueba previa llamada ensayo con ropa mojada. Artemis I será la primera prueba integrada de la nave espacial SLS y Orion. En misiones posteriores, la NASA llevará a la primera mujer y a las primeras personas de color a la Luna, allanando el camino para una presencia a largo plazo en la Luna y sirviendo como un trampolín en el camino a Marte. Crédito: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

Después de que el cohete SLS y la nave espacial Orion llegaron a Artemis 1 en la plataforma de lanzamiento 39B en[{» attribute=»»>NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 18, teams have connected numerous ground support equipment elements to the rocket and spacecraft, including electrical, fuel environmental control system ducts, and cryogenic propellant lines. Teams successfully powered up all elements of the integrated system at the pad for the first time on March 21 in preparation for the wet dress rehearsal test planned for April 1-3.

Engineering testing is underway to ensure systems continue to operate as planned with the rocket and spacecraft now configured at the pad. Additionally, technicians will don self-contained atmospheric protective ensemble suits, or SCAPE suits, to practice operations in the event of an emergency at the pad during fueling and launch. After checkouts at the pad are complete next week, the team will start system walkdowns ahead of the test.

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The approximately two-day wet dress rehearsal test will demonstrate the team’s ability to load cryogenic, or super-cold, propellants into the rocket, conduct a launch countdown, and practice safely removing propellants at the launch pad. After wet dress rehearsal, engineers will roll the rocket and spacecraft back to the Vehicle Assembly Building for final checkouts before launch.

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